4.8.2. Create and deploy application services from Big-IQ 6.0

From your Super-NetOps terminal run “terraform output” and note the BigipExternalInterfacePrivateIP and both web-sever-x values.

terraform output

Applications tab => Applications => Create.


Select the “Default-f5-HTTPS-WAF-lb-template” from the Template drop-down. Click create.

Parameter value
Name app1
Domain Names app1.f5lab.com
Environment Select BIG-IP
BIG-IP select your recently imported Big-IP from the dropdown. Collect HTTP Statistics.
Servers web-server-1 and web-server-2; Port: 80; HTTP
Web Application Firewall & LB: Destination Address IP address value of BigipExternalInterfacePrivateIP
HTTP Redirect: Destination Address IP address value of BigipExternalInterfacePrivateIP

Click create.

../../_images/12_create_application_part1.png ../../_images/13_create_application_part2.png

Eventually, app1 status will report green and healthy. Note Security: Protection mode is Protected; Transparent.
